Taharas Hamishpacha is one of the most fiercely guarded and meticulously observed Mitzvahs. After all, the continuity of Klal Yisroel depends on its exact execution. And yet for years, the Bedikah cloth, a necessary accessory to the Mitzvah, had proven to be at best, a mediocre means of carrying out the intricacies of the commandment. The cloths were rough, and a far cry from gentle.
G-d did not grant the Jewish people Yiddishkeit with the intent to burden them. Yiddishkeit is in fact a beautiful gift meant to bring satisfaction and joy to those who practice it. The mitzvah of family purity in particular, while an obligation on both men and women, is under the domain of the woman. It is she, a potential bearer of life, who is tasked with elevating the physical in the home to the spiritual. With this in mind, we set out over a decade ago to produce Badei Penina. As wives and mothers, the women of Klal Yisroel deserve a Bedikah cloth that will allow them to perpetuate generations in a most dignified, easy, and comfortable manner, all in accordance with the highest standards of Halachah.
This pursuit for excellence did not come without its fair share of struggles, though, as the technicalities were manifold. The Bedikah cloths we were seeking to bring to the public would have to be made from the finest, whitest, 100% premium cotton and be approved by the highest rabbinical court. Countless hours were invested into this project, and after concluding extensive research we created a prototype to present to rabbinical experts. Only after receiving a hard earned stamp of approval from the Badatz Yerushalayim, did we begin mass production.
Against all odds the Jewish nation survives. Not merely survives, but thrives. How, though? In what merit is Klal Yisroel sustained time and time again? No doubt, the Mitzvah of Taharas Hamishpacha, Jewish purity, which serves as the very foundation of married life, ensures the perpetuation of the Jewish people. It’s a practice which has been consecrated through the ages, and a means by which G-d joins every single marriage as a silent third partner.
Badei Penina premium Bedikah cloths were developed with the sole intent of helping Jewish women perform the mitzvah of Taharas Hamishpacha with ease. Each examination cloth goes through rigorous quality control to ensure superior quality and ultimate softness. Approved by leading Rabbanim throughout the world, Badei Penina checking cloths are made of a pure white, uncontaminated, soft cotton that is noticeably gentler and highly absorbent. This allows even the most sensitive individuals to perform this sacrosanct mitzvah with ease.